Visited a fort (too far for a Yuba ride unfortunatley) with the family this morning. Took the tour with a bunch of OAPs who were surprised by the kid's antics and NOISE as we were shown around the place.
I was more marked by the comment on the extensive works being carried out about the place. We we told "
At the moment we are in works because we are not connected to the public water supply. For hundreds of years the fort has relied on the natural spring that runs through the foundations of the fort. Last year the health authorities informed us that because of the levels of pesticides present in our water we are no longer allowed to use it or supply in to the general public."
I listened to that and looked out across the nearby fields and beautifull rolling countryside and wondered why they didn't just tell the farmers to stop spraying rather than spend millions putting in pipes to a historical building if it was such a health hasard. How has this become acceptable... nobody said anything, or even looked bothered.
Took the kids to the park on the Yuba this afternoon and then for a spin in the countryside near home. Could feel yesterday's ride a little in the legs, but nothing too heavy. Everything on the bike is still shiney new. Gears crisp, brakes firm, new tire hum. Mmmmmm.